The Biological Break-down on Wireless & The GREAT SUBSTITUTION
(the ploy to deliver wireless instead of fiber-optics)
The False Wireless Narrative YouTube video
Biologically-speaking Fiber-Optics is the Best Choice
August 2021 Court of Appeals Rules: FCC did not follow the law in setting Wireles Safety Standards
The Court of Appeals found that it was “arbitrary and capricious” for the FCC to ignore 1,000’s of independent studies showing bilogical harm from wireless raditaion (RF).
Expert discussion on the harms of wireless technology and infrastruture
NTIA (National Telecommunications and Information Administration) has determined that “Priority Broadband Projects” are those that use end-to-end fiber-optic architecture; in essence a “fiber first” policy.
More than 1.000 independent studies confirm RFR (radio frequency radiation) from wireless devices and infrastructures are biologically harmful
See Studies in Order of Harm Caused