$1T SCANDAL REVEAL – Panel Discussion
A 2.5 Hour ZOOM Expert Panel Discussion with 30 minute press Q&A
June 24, 2024, Time: 9:30 a.m. PST / 11:30 a.m. CST / 12:30 p.m. EST
A panel of national experts is assembled to bring to life the historical context of an – on-going – trillion dollar scandal that has caused high priced Internet and low quality service (no fiber-optic access to the Internet from the home), blocking disabled/minority/low-income and tribal communities from accessing jobs, education, health and economic resources. Wireless IS NOT a cogent alternative lacking both in quality of service and safety to users. Los Angeles County (and like regions throughout the US) will receive mere pennies, if anything, from BEAD and other state funded grant opportunities – despite representing the country’s most lacking regions in fiber-optic connectivity.
Challenge to be Addressed:
A common example throughout the country: California is set to receive over $1.83 billion for Internet upgrades – THE IRONY – not a dime will hit the very regions (e.g. East L.A., South L.A., and Pomona) designated to be upgraded because these regions are plagued by monopolistic control of our Internet. The Result: communities will remain exactly where they are today – without affordable high-quality – fiber-optic - access to the Internet.
The telephone companies a.k.a. Internet Service Providers (ISP’s) have fooled the American consumer, elected representatives and their respective regulatory agencies. AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, Charter (Spectrum) and others have collectively and separately created the digital divide: A lack of affordable, quality, access to the Internet. Big phone companies allegedly stole at least $500 billion from the public and through a system of corruption, maintain unchecked – unregulated – monopolistic control over quality of service and prices charged for the Internet.
Elected officials and regulatory agencies – people in charge who are supposed to keep us safe – have exhibited absolute disregard for the law and safety of American consumers. Government and corporations – wittingly or unwittingly – collaborating to our ultimate harm…we’ve been duped!
Mainstream media nor our elected officials (want to) understand the root of this very apparent scheme and by default render themselves incapable of fixing it – leaving us(the US) in a perpetual state of limited access to resources and prone to corruption. It is left to us – who know the real story – to tell it.
Phone companies are robbing the public with over-priced Internet and not upgrading everyone to fiber optics. Hundreds of billions of dollars designated for (fiber-optic) upgrades were diverted – to other projects – illegally, according to Bruce Kushnick of the Irregulators.
In an inaugural launch, national experts from across the country will pull back the curtain on the seemingly unfixable corruption that is – now-again – giving money to monopoly corporations who created the very problem the money was intended to fix. National models like Pharr Texas municipal broadband are encouraging and worthy of duplication in every community throughout the U.S.
The panel will relay the importance of knowing the history and in a most literal sense explain how this translates into dollars for your community. Combined with access to national leaders in the space of municipal broadband – the proverbial “doing something about it” – becomes very real.
Community must take ownership of its’ Internet destiny. High-quality – fiber-optic - affordable access to the Internet, for everyone and everywhere is a mandate – not a luxury.
Join our Zoom panel discussion June 24, 2024
Time: 9:30 a.m. PST / 11:30 a.m. CST / 12:30 p.m. EST
Meet the Panel:
Alice Stebbins: Consultant, Brain Cancer Advocate
Expert knowledge: (former Executive Director, California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC))
Odette Wilkins: Co-Chair, The National Call for Safe Technology
Heather Hutto: Executive Director, Bristow Public Library
Expert knowledge: Rural and Tribal Communities, Oklahoma
David Rosen, Author, Diss-Connected, Trillion Dollar Broadband Scandal
Larry Ortega: 30 year Technology and Digital Divide Expert
For More Information Contact: Larry Ortega, LA@LAOrtega.com, (909) 629-9212