Author: admin

Examples of working Green economic models

A vision for the region of Pomona Valley that means jobs, health, economic sustainability.

THC v. Chemo Treatment to kill cancer

Chemo Kills Healthy Cells But THC Kills Cancer Cells Only

In the middle of climate catastrophe (not change).

Climate catastrophe has happened before—and it’s teaching us about the future.

When you buy Netflix you support teacher union busting

In 2016 Netflix’ CEO, Reed Hastings, dumped nearly $4 million into California candidates supporting the privatization of public schools

Oncologist would not recommend chemo for family members

20 things you need to know about chemotherapy


5G And The IOT: Scientific Overview Of Human Health Risks

How much does it cost your ISP to send you that Internet signal?

Did Time Warner Cable over-bill customers…for 15 YEARS?