DECADES-LONG TRILLION DOLLAR INTERNET SCANDALLEADS WAY TO HIGH INTERNET PRICES, POOR QUALITY AND LIMITING ACCESS TO KEY RESOURCES WHO: An esteemed national expert panel has been assembled to scaffold a powerful, inaugural record of public opinion on a national scale: Moderator: Larry Ortega: 30 year Technology and Digital Divide Expert WHAT: A panel of national experts is …
DECADES-LONG TRILLION DOLLAR INTERNET SCANDALLEADS WAY TO HIGH INTERNET PRICES, POOR QUALITY AND LIMITING ACCESS TO KEY RESOURCES WHO: An esteemed national expert panel has been assembled to scaffold a powerful, inaugural record of public opinion on a national scale: Moderator: Larry Ortega: 30 year Technology and Digital Divide Expert WHAT: A panel of national experts is …
December 11, 2021 Stan Santos of the Communication Workers of America will led a Train the Trainer Session on how to complete the Fiber-Up My Neighborhood – Pomona Survey, and teach a cohort of leaders from Mt. SAC, Pomona Unified School District, nonprofit organizations on how to conduct the CalSpeed Tests on Internet access from …
CLICK HERE FOR JULY 19TH @ 11AM WEBINAR: FCC, Wireless Cos. and Parents protecting their children Tech-Talk with Larry Ortega podcast #210714, CLICK HERE TO LISTEN NO PRE-MARKET SAFETY TESTING ON 5G SO-CALLED “SMALL CELLS”, TELECOM IS USING THE TOBACCO PLAYBOOK, lies about no harmful health affects from wireless radiation, despite overwhelming evidence, CHILDREN ARE MOST …
Larry Ortega in 1994 launched the first ever El Dia de Tecnologia, a bilingual technology conference designed to highlight break-out Latino led organizations bringing product, service, training and awareness.
A vision for the region of Pomona Valley that means jobs, health, economic sustainability.