Prof. Leif Salford
Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery, Lund University
Meter Readings
Pomona CA
Astonishing readings of RFR 150 times higher than what is already considered harmful
Video TestamonialA.R.T.
RFR in Classroom
Americans for Responsible Technology(ART) high amounts of RFR in the classroom
Video TestamonialDr. Cindy Russell
Northern California
Physicians for Safe Technology share the harms associated with RF Radiation
Video TestamonialU.K.’s Ian
United Kingdom
5G towers consume 3 times the energy, push-out greater amount of heat to environment
Video TestamonialA.R.T.- SPANISH
Peligros de RFR
Americans for Responsible Technology (ART) altas cantidades de RFR en el aula
Video Testamonial9th Circuit
Court of Appeals
Court ruled FCC did not follow law in safety setting standards: “arbitrary and capricious”
Video TestamonialTech Talks-SPANISH
Pomona, CA
Tech Talks at Cafe con Libros highlighted. Parent relates her concerns with RFR
Video TestamonialCan’t do Homework
Santa Ana, CA
Children from Santa Ana keep it real for wireless proponents and digital divide leaders on the imperative of fiber optics
Video Testamoniallarry ortega
San Bernardino CA
Larry before the school board sharing personal experience of those close to him harmed by RFR
Video Testamoniallarry ortega
Pomona, CA
Larry in studio. Public Service Announcement, of sorts…kids deserve fiber-optics
Video TestamonialCA Sen. Dodd
Sacramento CA
Senate Telecom Cmte. meets to further unfettered (no permits/notice) wireless proliferation
Video TestamonialTech Talks
Pomona CA
larry on 2 million kids w/o access to quality Internet, more than half lose 1+ years
Video TestamonialRicardo Gastelum
Huntington Park CA
SPANISH: Ricardo is a parent advocate with deep ties in HP, says they deserve fiber-optics
Video TestamonialJulie Levine- SPANISH
Los Angeles, CA
Julie was forced to move from her home in L.A. and now lives in a rural area, away from RFR
Video Testamoniallarry ortega
Pomona City Council
larry shares that family members have died from cancer resulting from RFR
Video Testamonial