DECADES-LONG TRILLION DOLLAR INTERNET SCANDALLEADS WAY TO HIGH INTERNET PRICES, POOR QUALITY AND LIMITING ACCESS TO KEY RESOURCES WHO: An esteemed national expert panel has been assembled to scaffold a powerful, inaugural record of public opinion on a national scale: Moderator: Larry Ortega: 30 year Technology and Digital Divide Expert WHAT: A panel of national experts is …
DECADES-LONG TRILLION DOLLAR INTERNET SCANDALLEADS WAY TO HIGH INTERNET PRICES, POOR QUALITY AND LIMITING ACCESS TO KEY RESOURCES WHO: An esteemed national expert panel has been assembled to scaffold a powerful, inaugural record of public opinion on a national scale: Moderator: Larry Ortega: 30 year Technology and Digital Divide Expert WHAT: A panel of national experts is …
Today, Larry Ortega, co-founder of the highly impactful statewide computer training program, One Million New Internet Users (NIU) initiative, was hammered with a whopping $1,000,000 in fines and penalties, confirming – at least in the eyes of the Superior Court of California – that in fact, Mr. Ortega – according to court documents, 1) “failed …
For the first time, and maybe the last time, in our generation – money to upgrade our local telecommunication infrastructure is here. Billions and billions of dollars dedicated to do what the telecommunication corporations were paid to do, but never did.
By: L. A. OrtegaNovember 17, 2021 Did Dr. Fauci, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President-elect Biden in the year 2020 say vaccine mandates are something we should not be doing? Yes, they did say that. So what changed? Certainly not the science. In fact, children’s risk of serious harm from Covid is so small – …
My inaugral publication into CalMatters: October 20, 2021By Larry Ortega – click picture for article
December 11, 2021 Stan Santos of the Communication Workers of America will led a Train the Trainer Session on how to complete the Fiber-Up My Neighborhood – Pomona Survey, and teach a cohort of leaders from Mt. SAC, Pomona Unified School District, nonprofit organizations on how to conduct the CalSpeed Tests on Internet access from …
By: L.A. OrtegaSeptember 15, 2021 Top officials formerly with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) told me, fees assessed on rate payers and paid by the state’s utility HAVE NOT BEEN AUDITED in at least 10 years. No one within the CPUC can confirm – to this very day – if fees collected from rate payers, are …