Tag: L.A. Ortega


DECADES-LONG TRILLION DOLLAR INTERNET SCANDALLEADS WAY TO HIGH INTERNET PRICES, POOR QUALITY AND LIMITING ACCESS TO KEY RESOURCES WHO:             An esteemed national expert panel has been assembled to scaffold a powerful, inaugural record of public opinion on a national scale: Moderator: Larry Ortega: 30 year Technology and Digital Divide Expert WHAT:           A panel of national experts is …

Bathing In Radio Frequency Radiation: The Great Substitution!

According to Building Biologist Albina Molina, Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR) measuring in excess of 1,000 micro Watts per meter squared (mW/m2) is biologically harmful and can damage human, animal and plant DNA.  More than 1,000 independent studies have proven RFR to be biologically harmful, causing DNA damage; these studies remain unrefuted by the FCC or …

The 4th Iteration of ‘Bait and Switch’: Fraud? Regulatory Corruption? and the Digital Divide!

According to Technology Analyst and Author Bruce Kushnick, over $500 BILLION has been given to Telcos (state telecommunication utility companies, a.k.a. Verizon, AT&T, Century Link, et al) for fiber-optic upgrades to the premises (FTTP) – which was never delivered. Ana Montes, retired 30-year technology expert from the bay area says, “It’s documented,” that the Telcos …

Los Angeles County Supervisors Put Corporate Interests Ahead of the Peoples’ Under the Guise of Closing the Digital Divide

Title 16 and 22 L.A. County Code Modifications are Versions of 2 Separate Wireless Industry Bills Vetoed by 2 Separate California Governors November 18, 2022 The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on November 15th in a 4-1 vote, had the audacity of using the digital divide to usher in a wireless industry dream come …

The Drive to Widen the Digital Divide – CalMatters

My inaugral publication into CalMatters: October 20, 2021By Larry Ortega – click picture for article

CPUC’s “scandalous” Lack of Accountability on State’s Utility (AT&T, Verizon, et al) – Must Be Cured

By: L.A. OrtegaSeptember 15, 2021 Top officials formerly with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) told me, fees assessed on rate payers and paid by the state’s utility HAVE NOT BEEN AUDITED in at least 10 years.  No one within the CPUC can confirm – to this very day – if fees collected from rate payers, are …

Building Your Immunity with L.A. Ortega’s Juicing System

Many people have asked me, how do I do it.  Staying in shape at 57 comes from juicing a minimum of three times per week, berries and ginger at least three servings per week and a daily ride of 5 – 10 miles per day on my bicycle.  Many people tell me what they are …

The Digital Divide: How’d We Get Here? How Do We Bridge It?

The Covid pandemic yanked-back the curtain on the telecommunication industry’s almost decade long attempt at building-out a world class telecommunication infrastructure.  What we saw were millions and millions of kids without high-speed Internet at home – literally blocked from attending school – virtually; revealing the true depth of Digital Divide and directly contradicting reports from …

In Time of Crisis:

Supt. Beutner, LAUSD: “only about 68% of all high school students are participating in studies online, meaning about 40,000 are not”

Technology Talks – Feb 8th

In this TECH-Talk, Mr. Ortega describes how 1,800 scientists and doctors across the globe have written about the unimaginable levels of radiation/EMF’s our children receive daily and how current laws in the U.S. (1996 Telecomm. Act) fall well short of protecting our families. Mr. Ortega calls for action on how to make safe the use of this tremendous resource.