Category: Education Digital Equity

Fair Pricing, FREE $’s for Internet

Wishing everyone a safe and blessed holiday season.   We leave you this year with our latest update: FREE money for Internet Service and a brief discussion on the massive disparity in pricing between Europe and US consumers for Internet service.  Click the video link below.  Quick, but informative 5 minutes.  We are continuing to fight …

The Drive to Widen the Digital Divide – CalMatters

My inaugral publication into CalMatters: October 20, 2021By Larry Ortega – click picture for article

CPUC’s “scandalous” Lack of Accountability on State’s Utility (AT&T, Verizon, et al) – Must Be Cured

By: L.A. OrtegaSeptember 15, 2021 Top officials formerly with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) told me, fees assessed on rate payers and paid by the state’s utility HAVE NOT BEEN AUDITED in at least 10 years.  No one within the CPUC can confirm – to this very day – if fees collected from rate payers, are …

Landmark Case Concludes FCC Failed in Setting Wireless Safety Standards: Parents must step-in to protect small children from well documented harm

“Saying it is tough to go up against a trillion-dollar industry that captured our federal agencies is an understatement,” said Ellie Marks, president and founder of CA Brain Tumor Association in response to a landmark court decision issued August 13, 2021.  “The dam of denial has cracked,” says Ellie regarding the negative health effects of …

The Digital Divide: How’d We Get Here? How Do We Bridge It?

The Covid pandemic yanked-back the curtain on the telecommunication industry’s almost decade long attempt at building-out a world class telecommunication infrastructure.  What we saw were millions and millions of kids without high-speed Internet at home – literally blocked from attending school – virtually; revealing the true depth of Digital Divide and directly contradicting reports from …

FCC Did Not Follow the Law in Setting Wireless Safety Standards

Link to Complete Recording of Court Hearing (click here):  Go to Times indicated in Time column to hear exact testimony as written in the Statement column below.  

A True David v. Goliath Digital Divide Story

It was telling after John Gamboa, Orson Aguilar of the Greenlining Institute and I left then CPUC President Picker’s office. We were there to implore him to intervene in the nonsense that CD’s (Communication Division at the CPUC) office was engaging. Namely spending hundreds of thousands of rate payer dollars to block payment to one …

The Article that put Me -us- on Secretary of State Padilla’s Radar

Op_Ed     Originally published April 16, 2012 (REPUBLISHED Oct. 2020, with updates) Think Globally   De-regulation, Not So Fast Mr. SenatorBy: L.A. Ortega “Your ideology was not right, was not working?” asked Congressional Representative Waxman during a Congressional hearing on the economic meltdown of 2008. “Precisely,” answers Alan Greenspan, admitting his policies of allowing markets …

Life is Counting on Us – White, Black, Brown, et al to Defeat Monopolistic “economic” Brutality

L.A. OrtegaJune 21, 2020 CHAPTER ONE L.A. County Supervisor Hilda Solis, is one of the smartest and bravest persons I have ever met.  “Chicana power” she exclaimed 20 plus years ago to my young Latina daughters during a campaign gathering in her launch to unseat a long time democrat for Congress.  A year earlier she …